University homepage
Day 01 - Points: Estonian State Forest Management Centre (RMK) public recreations sites
Day 02 - Lines: Estonian rivers and streams by from Estonian Landboard (Maa-Amet)
Day 03 - Polygons: Reported average damage through crimes and offense in Tallinn, Estonia
Day 04 - Hexagons: NASA GPWv4 global population density in ISEAH7 DGGS Hexagons
Day 05 - Blue Cornflower distribution Centaurea cyanus
Day 06 - Red DEM shading of Mars (the red planet)
Day 07 - Green Radar Style Buildings Footprint
Day 08 - Yellow Global mining areas
Day 09 - Monochrome Stream Delineation
Day 10 - Grid comparison of different global grid systems
Day 11 - 3D Elevation as scientific surface plot
Day 12 - Map not made with GIS software
Day 13 - Raster Interpolation of Temperature
Day 14 - Climate Change: Sea ice extent around Antarctica
Day 15 - Connections: The countries of the river Danube in Europe
Day 16-17 - Historical Maps of the Estonian Island of Vormsi
Day 18 - Landuse Copernicus C3S Landcover for Estonia
Day 19 - NULL Island NoData
Day 20 - Population Cartogram of Estonian municipalities
Day 21 - Water: Trends in River flows in Estonia
Day 22 - Movement / Mobility in Estonia
Day 23 - Boundaries as global countries bboxes
Day 24 - Elevation
Day 25 - COVID-19
Day 26 - Map with a new tool #TODO
Day 27 - Big or (and) small: Place names containing big / small
Day 28 - Non-geographic map #TODO
Day 29 - Globe
Day 30 - A Map (multi elements: NDVI, DEM hillshade and spatial points query
On this page
DEM shading of Mars (the red planet)
Day 11 - 3D Elevation as scientific surface plot
Day 24 - Elevation
DEM shading of Mars (the red planet)
Day 11 - 3D Elevation as scientific surface plot
Day 23 - Boundaries as global countries bboxes
Day 25 - COVID-19