Day 06 - Red DEM shading of Mars (the red planet)



Mars MGS MOLA DEM 463m v2

Publisher GeoScience PDS Node

Author MOLA Team

Originator Goddard Space Flight Center

Only loading the DEM with rasterio and then plotting with EarthPy.

I did a little cheating in QGIS/GDAL though, where I “reprojected” (to give it a working projection for Earth’s geospatial tools) and downsampled it to 1km grid resolution, because my Jupyter notebook would run out of memory when doing the hillshading and plotting together. I got a funny message in QGIS that informed me that the on-the-fly reprojection doesn’t work, because WGS84 and MARS are not the same celestial bodies :-D Aww, sweet.

The Jupyter notebook (view here) is provided in my GitHub repo.