Day 02 - Lines: Estonian rivers and streams by from Estonian Landboard (Maa-Amet)



the layer E_203_vooluveekogu_j (lit. translation: flowing water bodies as lines) from the file ETAK_EESTI_GPKG.gpkg, downloaded in Geopackage format (GPKG) ( 1.2G ) under Estonian Landboard Open Data License.

I am using the column tyyp which denotes the “magnitude” of the river, i.e.: 50=river, 40=stream … channel, 10=ditch. The higher the values, the more intense the colour is meant to shine.

The Jupyter notebook (view here) is provided in my GitHub repo.

  • Geopandas for reading the Data and pre-processing

  • Datashader for fancy glow plotting more than 845 000 geometries within a few seconds

What Datashader does, is resampling the hundreds of thousands geometries into a much smaller number of pixels. It is very efficient and optimized, using things like Dask and Numba under the hood. Datashader itself exposes a comparatively small API. However, I struggled to integrate the plotting with the typical elements I am used from e.g. matplotlib , such as title, legend and geographic coordinates.

Suggestions welcome.