Day 04 - Hexagons: NASA GPWv4 global population density in ISEAH7 DGGS Hexagons

#30DayMapChallenge 4 - Hexagons: #NASAsedac #GPWv4 global population density sampled into proper #DGGS in #ISEAH7 (level 4) projection with #DGGRID, #dggrid4py, #rasterio / #rasterstats and @geopandas and visualised with #GeoViews @holoviz_org



NASA Sedac GPWv4 global population density:

Then I generated the ISEAH7 DGGS at level 4, ca. 24000 hexagons, and saved as GeoPackage. I did this with the help of a little library I am working on:

It uses GeoPandas and DGGRID - a free software program for creating and manipulating Discrete Global Grids. DGGRID version 7.0 was released in September, 2019.

Then I used Rasterio and Rasterstats to summarize (mean) the population density data into the hexagon features. Subsequently I classified the data with PySAL’s mapclassify due to it’s large range of values.

Eventually I used GeoViews to provide a static orthographic (say globe) basemap view.

The Jupyter notebook (view here) is provided in my GitHub repo.