ZOO-Project Java-API and JGrasstools


The Zoo-Project is a solid OGC WPS server that works well with many programming languages. The Java API has not been tested in advanced configurations or with complex data types. JGrasstools, a modular processing library, as well as other Java based GIS toolkits (as JTS, Sextante or Geotools) would benefit a lot from the possibility to be used within a WPS environment. The proposal is to bring the ZOO-Project Java binding to a mature level and validate them by exposing JGrasstools as WPS.

Link to the 2015 GSoC proposal

Further info

I wrote a few sentences about my preparations for this GSoC proposal. Unfortunately I also didn’t have time to drive this further still. However, it is just soooo close really :-) Alternatively a 52North WPS implementation based on the super practical JGrasstools annotations and Andrea’s generator would also be relatively straightforward.

So I started some more experiments … I streamlined the WPS module generation for ZOO-Project and 52°North WPS processes. In fact, for 52N WPS it’s even closer now, as their WPS implementation is also based on Java.